Amazing!!! where has time gone? It was just like a minute ago when we were all shouting Happy New Year and all of a sudden, we’re in the middle of 2020. Everyone seems to be taken off-guard by this fact. Some people say someone must be messing with the space-time continuum while others think that time is like Peregrine Falcon bird, the fastest bird that could dive at speeds of over 240 miles per hour. With all these assumptions, the fact still remains that time is non-partial, universal and waits for no one.
No doubt! we all have goals we’ve set for the year. Some of these goals might include starting a business, acquiring new skills, going for certification, reading books every day, going on vacation, registering for a course, investing in real estate etc. To your surprise, you realized that you’ve not achieved 30% of your goals while the time has already achieved 50% of its goal.
With the second half of the year already underway, it’s easy to fall into the trap of beating yourself up for failing to cover more ground. Why haven’t I done more? Will I able to achieve my goals again? Am I really pushing as hard as I can? These are some of the questions you’re asking yourself which might not help your progress. Rather than asking yourself questions and doing the things that will subject you to constant perplexity and weaken your passion, take the following steps:
Reset your mindset:
The achievement of every goal starts with your mindset. By reminding yourself that you can break free from the toxic cycle of limiting beliefs and by reframing your thoughts and changing your perspective and outlook, you can begin a new journey as we start another phase of the year.
Even though the year has been a bit hard due to the pandemic which has disrupted the plans and goals of many people, how you react and respond to the situation will form the basis of your belief system in the next six months. Don’t let the bad experience limit your beliefs and paralyse your goals. Little changes can make a difference, so try new things, take risks and reset your mindset.
Evaluate and conduct a mid-year review:
Beating yourself up over unrealised goals can be an irresistible reaction to disappointment. So, whipping yourself doesn’t work. To effectively make up for lost time, take time out. During your time of reflection, make a list of all the goals you’ve accomplished so far. Think about the behaviours that pushed those goals to completion and write those down too.
By examining the past, we can see what went well and what didn’t so we can purposefully plan our next year. Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you sit down and reflect:
What went well in the last six months?
What were some of your major challenges?
What were some key lessons that you’ve learned in the last six months?
What is one thing that you want to focus on moving into the second half of the year?
Create an Action Plan
So, we’ve talked about evaluating your current position and renewing your vows. Now, you need an action plan to maximise the latter half of the year. Setting goals are great, but you achieve them when you take action. That’s why I love this quote by Bo Bennett, “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.” In order to make a goal happen, you must take action. Action plans give you precious clarity on your goals. That’s because they give a window into how you’re actually going to achieve them.
Here are some simple steps that can form part of your action plan to make the most of the rest of 2020:
~ Go into each week with a plan of action, a list of tasks which must be completed
~ Get to bed earlier, get to work earlier
~ Isolate and eliminate time-wasting activities
~ Allocate more time to consuming content that can help you advance your goals
Don’t Procrastinate
Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act. It can restrict your potential and undermine your career. It can also disrupt teamwork, reduce morale, and even lead to depression and job loss. So, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to prevent it.
To overcome procrastination, you must first recognize that you’re doing it. Then, identify the reasons behind your behaviour and use appropriate strategies to manage and overcome it.
Establish a daily routine:
Want more confidence, determination, and discipline? Nail a daily routine and your head is held higher all the time. Success is the holy grail of any breathing, living person on the planet…. And a daily routine is the way to get to it!
Having a routine and sticking to it is incredible, but you should give yourself time. Productive habits take time to develop. If you are too hard on yourself, you might never have the chance of enjoying the benefits of a routine. Your success depends on how seriously you take your routine. The benefits outweigh the willpower you invest at every step, so it is worthwhile.
It’s true there are times the passing months can feel like the advance of the doomsday clock. With each elapsed month, you may feel you’re being inched towards the abyss of failure or underachievement. The mind has a way of writing its own tragedy and casting you in it without your permission. The only way to combat your brain’s unauthorised programming is to write your own code. Remind yourself of your capabilities and your vision for your life and your business.
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